Hybrid launches Big Data innovation
July 8, 2020
The Prague based Addressable TV Monetization specialist company Hybrid, will be launching a groundbreaking technology tool named Afterspot. This function will be able to deliver 100% advertising reach to all AddressableTVs in a short time with significantly lower costs.
This new function can directly target TV viewers who DID WATCH or DID NOT WATCH linear TV spot advertising. Based on this, it is able to deliver Advertising to 100% Addressable TV devices thus securing 100% reach. This innovation results in maximum potential of planning both linear and non-linear TV spots and Video Advertising. Secondly, Afterspot is able to adjust the optimal advertising frequency to the TV viewer in a very short time period.
“Afterspot is a vital innovation for this year. It provides a brand-new outlook on cost-effective media planning for the TV market. Till this moment, it was common to deliver additional GRPs and spot linear advertising for campaigns which did not meet its goals. It is such an inefficient way. Now, Afterspot may be saving amounts of advertising space for other campaigns by targeting only unique viewers,” Lukáš Hnilička, Hybrid Company’s CEO described the innovation.
“Especially in terms of Light TV viewers, mainly represented by a younger audience watching linear TV far less, are a global challenge. On the other hand, these viewers tend to consume VOD and other on Demand services more often. We combine both attitudes and data in order to effectively target and deliver Ads. That is real problem-solving technology,” adds Hnilička.
Additionally, Afterspot is used as a campaign frequency optimization tool in order to interact with the TV Viewer. In an alternative way, in case TV viewers DID WATCH linear commercial spot, then Afterspot will soon deliver a Red Button Campaign with additional information about the product with possible interaction. “We foresee immense potential for commercial, programming and marketing purposes for TV broadcasters,” states Hnilička.
Afterspot is a Big Data project that has been under development since January 2020. It is a cloud service fully scaleable for global usage employing Machine Learning and Real Time Analytics components.
“The core of the project is a large cloud infrastructure, which in this case a necessity. Together with a level of automatization and the TV device’s own data evaluation. Imagine you are dealing with data amounting to 500.000.000 e-mails a day,” described Václav Hradec, Head of Development in Hybrid.
Afterspot is going to be commercially available be at the end of the summer of 2020. “We finalize with full load tests in order to secure future scaling, soon we are ready to rock,” concludes Hradec.