MTG appoints Redin as President and CEO
September 3, 2020
Modern Times Group (MTG) has announced the appointment of Maria Redin as Group President and CEO with immediate effect. The appointment follows the July resignation of Jorgen Madsen Lindemann, who will continue to act as an adviser to the company until the end of his notice period. MTG also announces the appointment of Lars Torstensson as new Chief Financial Officer.
Redin currently serves as the Group Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and has been a member of the Group Executive Management team since 2015. Maria has been a key advisor to the management teams in both MTG’s esports and gaming vertical, through her representation on the respective companies’ boards. She joined MTG in 2004 as a management trainee and has held a number of financial management positions, as well as being the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of MTG’s former gaming entertainment company, Bet24.
David Chance, Chairman of MTG’s Board of Directors, commented: “I would like to congratulate Maria on her appointment as Group President and CEO of MTG. She has proven herself over many years at MTG to be a strong and inspirational manager. She knows our business extremely well and, although the Board considered a number of excellent external candidates for the role, her background and skillset were felt to be an excellent fit against the criteria and requirements that the Board considered in making its decision. She is highly respected by her colleagues in our portfolio companies and the continuity she provides will allow MTG to continue to build and strengthen our gaming and esports businesses.”
Redin commented: “I am both humbled and proud to take on this new role and lead MTG at a time of both challenges and great opportunities. The company has a strong legacy of innovation and transformation, with many talented people and world class portfolio companies. We are uniquely positioned to deliver on our mission to become the home of esports and gaming entertainment.”
As a result of Redin’s promotion, the company also announced that Torstensson has been appointed CFO for the company. Lars is currently EVP, Communications & Investor Relations and will combine the CFO role with his current responsibilities. Lars joined MTG in 2019 after holding senior management positions at Sweco AB and Tele2 AB. He has extensive experience in strategic planning, business development and financial and business reporting in a listed company environment.
Redin added: “Securing a strong leadership team is a priority for MTG as we further develop our two verticals in gaming and eSports and Lars will continue to bring huge experience and an excellent understanding of our businesses in his new role with the company.”