Deadline approaches for C-band installs
October 12, 2020
By Chris Forrester
Earth station operators in the US as well as cable and IP head-ends which have equipment pointing towards SES Americom satellites must decide this by October 14th if they want to self-install the necessary equipment and realign dishes for the new C-band signals.
The FCC has identified around 6000 registered/licensed C-band users in the US and according to a report in Radio World fewer than half have chosen the ‘lump sum’ option where the FCC funds the costs of dish retuning or realignment and the install of filters and other equipment needed.
While the FCC recognises the 6000 licensed sites the actual total number of ‘receive only’ dishes are about 20,000.
SES is offering guidance to operators looking to make a decision, which includes asking SES to provide a ‘turnkey’ solution to install equipment and realign dishes.
“Those who request SES-provided equipment must provide SES with a list of the equipment that is required for each incumbent Earth station. SES expects most Incumbent Earth Station operators to request SES-provided equipment, but this is a choice each Incumbent Earth Station operator can make,” according to a SES spokesperson.
Radio World suggests that 20-30 per cent of users have failed to register their dishes.