Advanced Television

Virgin TV 360 goes live

December 8, 2020

Virgin Media customers can now get Virgin TV 360, offering a seamless connected entertainment experience that moves with them.

The new platform, which was unveiled last month, includes a new Mini box, new TV remote with voice control and smart new features which offer a fully-integrated, voice-activated and personalised service.

David Bouchier, Chief TV & Entertainment Officer at Virgin Media, commented at the unveiling: “Virgin TV 360 is our most impressive TV service to date, providing one of the most complete and comprehensive viewing experiences available in the UK […] Backed up by our ultrafast broadband, our new service allows TV lovers to watch all of their favourite channels, apps and on-demand content in one place or on the move. This really is game-changing TV and we are know our customers will love it.”

Categories: Articles, In Home, Pay TV, PVR, STB

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