Amino STBs receive Amazon Prime Certification
February 25, 2021
Amino, the global media and entertainment technology solutions provider, has announced that Amazon has certified the Prime Video application across Amino Amigo 7X and Kamai 7BA Android TV devices.
This certification means operators with these devices can enable their Prime Video subscribing customers to access a multitude of titles and Amazon Originals TV series and movies.
Bill Hughes, Director of Product Management at Amino, commented: “OTT is now well and truly part of the modern TV landscape. Yet for operators looking to launch or integrate OTT services as part of their offerings, this usually involves a complex and lengthy process of integration, testing and licensing.
Extending our ability to merge traditional TV with OTT, we are delighted to share that Amazon has certified the Prime Video application across Amino’s Amigo 7X devices. This means that operators with these devices can enable their Prime Video subscribing customers to access a multitude of titles and Amazon Originals TV series and movies including Golden-Globe-winning Marvellous Mrs. Maisel, Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan, Homecoming, and The Grand Tour.
The move comes after the 2019 joint announcement by Google and Amazon that they would make their video services available across each other’s devices and platforms. Amino’s pay-TV operator customers that have deployed Amigo 7X devices will now have the ability to provide their Amazon Prime subscribing customers with easy access to the Prime Video catalogue.
The devices are powered by the Google-certified AminoOS software, which enables operators to deliver a customized, branded and intuitive user interface while simplifying the integration of IPTV and OTT services. These Android TV certified UltraHD client TV devices provide exceptional user experience, delivering next-generation services with the highest possible quality.
With Amino Engage, Amino’s cloud-based service management solution, operators also have access to a full suite of device management tools that efficiently manage and proactively support deployed Android TV devices and apps. With a comprehensive device management, support, and analytics offering, we can arm operators with all the tools needed to offer a truly managed solution with all the benefits of Android TV.
Amazon Prime will be an exciting addition for consumers accessing TV services through our devices, truly proving a win-win for everyone. This certification means that we now provide a simple and powerful route for consumers to gain the most benefit from their Amazon subscription. This provides an important consumer-pleasing feature for operator customers deploying our Android TV solutions.
With AminoOS, operators can enable consumers to access apps in the Google Play Store, alongside linear channels. Android TV users with Amigo 7X devices will enjoy Prime Video catalogues that include award-winning movies and TV shows. Additionally, Amazon Prime Video subscribers can also rent or purchase titles or choose from more than 150 Prime Video Channels including Showtime, HBO, CBS All-Access, Cinemax and STARZ.
Combined with our 24i business unit’s ability to deliver any content to any device, we have all the apps, devices, services and software technologies to enable operators to successfully manage and expand connected TV audiences. With this exciting development, we’re enabling operators to gain a strategic advantage by making it significantly easier and quicker to provide a high-quality integrated Amazon Prime experience at scale.”