Advanced Television

Spain: Pay-TV ups penetration, drops ARPU

June 11, 2021

From David Del Valle in Madrid

Pay-TV is now present in 44.9 per cent of Spanish homes, with 40 per cent opting for convergent packages, according to the CNMC’s Panel de Hogares report.

Pay-TV take-up is rapidly increasing in the country, rising from 28.5 per cent in 2016 to 44.9 per cent at the end of 2020.

ARPU, though, has decreased in convergent packages with up to four services, going from €50.60 in 2019 to €49 a month in 2020; and from €80.80 to €77.90 in packages with five services.

FTTH it is present in 70 per cent of homes.

Categories: Articles, Broadcast, Markets, Pay TV, Research

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