Advanced Television

Documentary+ to share viewership data with filmmakers

June 16, 2021

Documentary+, a global, non-fiction streaming platform, has announced plans to share comprehensive viewing data with filmmakers.

Filmmakers on Documentary+ will be able to request personalised reports about the performance and viewing data of their films on the platform including insights like top cities, age group, platform, gender identity and related films being streamed on Documentary+. As the first major platform to do this, Documentary+ says it is spearheading a new era in which filmmakers and distribution platforms can coalesce to work together more as partners.

At a time when the majority of streaming services still withhold viewership data or share it sparingly, Documentary+’s commitment to creative transparency is to empower filmmakers. This breakdown of information aims to help creatives better understand their audiences, which content formats are most impactful in driving reach and glean insight into their long term roadmaps for future productions.

Turner Ross, the co-director of Documentary+’s top performing film Western, said: “Doc+ is shifting the power dynamics of film ‘ownership’ and we as makers of films are the ones who benefit. It’s a simple parting of the curtain that shouldn’t be revolutionary: They give a platform to our work, that platform garners an audience, we learn who our audience is. It’s a simple democratic notion of transparency. What a novel idea.”

Documentary+ launched earlier this year to serve as the preeminent home for documentary films and series.

“Corporate streaming platforms use the data from films to influence their content strategies — but they keep it away from the filmmakers. We believe filmmakers should have that same access and let them do what they want with it – hopefully even use it to influence what they think about their future art,” said Bryn Mooser, Documentary+ and XTR CEO. “We are the first platform to share data with filmmakers,  I hope it creates a trend for the rest to follow.” 

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