WildFilmsIndia on BuzzShow platform
January 27, 2022
BuzzShow Network has announced that India’s largest factual content production house WildFilmsIndia Online Channel has been integrated into the BuzzShow platform. With over 3.77 million subscribers, WildFilmsIndia offers the world’s largest database of factual content from South Asia. The onboarding of the WildFilmsIndia channel represents a milestone for BuzzShow in its pursuit to make strong bonds with popular video channels.
“WildFilmsIndia has a strong following. The huge number of subscribers shows its credibility. We are confident that the integration of WildFilmsIndia will give a great boost to BuzzShow Network,” said BuzzShow Founder, Offer Kohen.
WildFilmsIndia is the leading exporter of television software from India and owns the world’s largest database of factual content from South Asia. With video and stills covering a wide range of topics, they are also India’s leading producer of factual content.
“We are very excited to offer our followers the opportunity to find us on Buzzshow, a platform which we find extremely innovative,” added Rupin Dang, CEO of WildFilmIndia. “The perks of this collaboration will be mutually beneficial and we are looking forward to this growing relationship. ”
BuzzShow put its users in charge of managing and earning from content creation, curation, and consumption. It offers a unique user experience that incorporates proof of contribution to reward all online users. The social media platform uses a P2P decentralization and a unique social media experience for users, who can earn GOLDIES (GLDY), the platform’s native utility tokens by creating, curating, sharing, viewing, and streaming video content. And unlike other social media platforms, users retain full privacy, ownership, and control over their video content within the social media space.