smartclip launches new audience-based ad solution
February 8, 2022
smartclip, the adtech platform of RTL Group, has introduced smart Audiences, the next generation targeting solution that addresses the growing demand for non-intrusive targeting practices. smart Audiences integrates two proven cornerstones of identity-safe advertising in a streamlined offering: socio-demographic online and offline data and contextual targeting capabilities. The new offering represents a viable alternative to cookie-based targeting by ensuring that advertisers reach narrowly defined audience segments without infringing upon users’ privacy. Consequently, smart Audiences is an ID-free targeted solution that is fully GDPR and CCPA-compliant.
With smart Audiences advertisers can now reach predefined, custom-built, and multi-layered target groups — who represent marketing-relevant consumer segments, without tapping into privacy-sensitive data. Ten predefined target groups — or ‘personas’ — have been developed to cater to the needs and requests of advertisers. These personas encompass a wide range of interests and reflect realistic consumer behaviours.
The predefined segments range from tech- and business-focused audiences to peer groups that value their private lives. Tech- and business focused groups may include tech enthusiasts — who love gadgets and are regularly among first movers and trendsetters in terms of technical innovation — and affluent business professionals — who are in management positions and closely follow the stock market. More social and trend-oriented segments include modern families — that are focused on sustainability and maintaining a healthy work-life-balance — and interior design fans — who follow the latest arts and crafts trends.
In addition to the wide range of predefined personas, custom target groups can be built on demand. All target groups are based on two mainstays: smart SocioDemo and smart Context. Additional pillars will be added to ensure the best possible targeting options while honouring users’ privacy.