MFE-MediaForEurope results “better than expected”
March 2, 2022
From Branislav Pekic in Rome
Netherlands-based MFE-MediaforEurope (former Mediaset) has posted 2021 net consolidated revenues of €2.91 billion, up 11 per cent on 2020. Net profit in the period increased 169 per cent, year on year, to €374 million, almost double the pre-Covid level of 2019.
In Italy, consolidated net revenues amounted to €2.04 billion (+13 per cent), while net profit reached €273 million (compared to €39 million in 2020).
The broadcasting group said the preliminary figures were “positive” and “better than company expectations at the beginning of the year”.
Advertising revenue in Italy grew both compared to 2020 (+14.4 per cent) and to 2019 (+2.4 per cent), above the TV market as a whole.
In Q4 2021, ad revenues increased by 2.2 per cent, confirming a positive trend that has been lasting for six consecutive quarters.
TV ratings also showed a positive trend, with Mediaset channels recording a 34 per cent share in the 24 hours among the 15-64-year-old target.
This trend further improved in January 2022 when Mediaset channels reached a record of 36.3 per cent audience share in the same target.