HBO adds 13m subs YoY
April 22, 2022
As AT&T offloads its entertainment business to the WarnerMedia division, it reported its quarterly figures for the final time – showing that HBO added nearly 13 million subscribers in the last 12 months across both traditional HBO and HBO Max – including growth of 3 million in Q1 alone.
HBO Max and HBO has a total global subscriber base of 76.8 million as of March 31st, up 12.8 million year-on-year.
Additionally, HBO and HBO Max domestic subscribers reached 48.6 million as of March 31st, up 1.8 million from 46.8 million as of the end of 2021 and an increase of 4.4 million year-on-year.
Whilst the gain in subscribers is much cheerier than the news that Netflix delivered this week, for comparison, HBO is still far behind SVoD market leader Netflix (with 221.64 million subscribers), and Disney+ (with 129.8 million subscribers).
AT&T also reported that WarnerMedia’s operating income fell 32.7 per cent year-on-year to $1.3 billion (€1.2bn). During an earnings call, the conpany explained: “The declines in earnings at WarnerMedia reflect increase investments incurred in launching CNN+ and expanding new territories at HBO Max.”
HBO Max expanded to 15 new European countries in March, whilst the CNN+ launch has proven to be a disasterous venture.