Movistar Q1: Pay-TV subs decline continues
May 12, 2022
From David Del Valle in Madrid

Spain’s largest pay-TV platform Movistar lost 69,200 TV customers in the first quarter of the year, down to 3,647,200 subscribers.
In a year, the company has lost 248,100 pay-TV customers, from 3,895,300 as of March 2021 to 3,647,200 in March 2022, substantially below its peak of 4,054,300 subscribers in March 2020.
Convergent customers also decreased by 3.6 per cent to 4.6 million, albeit convergent ARPU grew by 1.5 per cent to €91.10.
Movistar is significantly increasing its FTTH connections with a 4.4 per cent year-on-year growth to 4,875,100
As a whole, Telefónica made a €720 million profit, down 20.3 per cent as a result of costs associated with the merger of its O2 mobile operation in the UK with multiplay telco Virgin Media.