Research: 3.4m watch pirate content in Nordics
June 6, 2022

According to research from Mediavision, 17 per cent of all people 15-74 years old in the Nordics have illegally streamed or downloaded films and TV episodes in the past month.
However, the figures vary between the countries: Piracy in Sweden is highest at 20 per cent and lowest in Finland and Denmark, both at 13 per cent. Norway sits in the middle at 18 per cent. In total this amounts to approximately 3.4 million pirates in the Nordics, which is approximately 0.5 million more than last year.
Piracy has been a big challenge for rightsholders in the Nordics for many years. Even though the use of legal service is widespread, piracy is still high, says Natalia Borelius, senior analyst at Mediavision. This shows that availability is not the only factor that influences piracy. Other measures will be needed if these figures are to be brought down, suggests Mediavision.