Study: France ranked top for Euro FTTH
June 7, 2022
From Pascale Paoli-Lebailly in Paris

France is now ranked as the leading European FTTH nation, ahead of Germany, according to the 2022 Très Haut Débit (High Speed Broadband) conference, which revealed the latest findings from the National Observatory for High Speed Broadband (HSB), co-authored by Infra-Num of la Banque des Territoires and Avicca.
This study confirmed the ambitious plan – Plan France Très Haut Débit 2013-2022 (PFTH) – which aims for all French households to have access to broadband speeds of 30Mbps or more by 2022. Some 70 per cent of premises now have broadband access, which should rise to 82 per cent by the end of 2022 and 98 per cent in 2025. With 5.53 million FTTH TV homes passed in 2021, the total of households and companies passed is close to 30 million with a plan of 44 million in 2025. 2023 will remain an intense year for fibre deployment with 4.8 million lines planned. There are now more active fibre-based broadband and superfast broadband lines than copper network DSL-based ones (14.4 million), in a sector facing challenges. This global plan would represent a total investment of €1.3 billion a year over a ten-year period.