Saragosse remains head of France Médias Monde
January 12, 2023
From Pascale Paoli-Lebailly in Paris

Marie-Christine Saragosse has been confirmed, by TV regulator Arcom, as president of French international holding France Médias Monde (F2M) for a third term.
F2M runs news channel France 24, in French, English, Spanish and Arabic, radio station RFI in French and fifteen foreign languages, as well as Arabic speaking radio station Monte Carlo Doualiya. The group is one of the shareholders of French-speaking TV5 Monde.
Saragosse is tasked with overcoming the financial challenges the public service will have to cope with for the 2024-2028 period, and the ambition to strengthen the variety of F2M edited services, and the growing development of digital services.