Rai Way: 1st 5G Broadcast trial in Italy
March 20, 2023
From Branislav Pekic in Rome

Rai Way, the towers unit of Italian public broadcaster Rai, has conducted the first 5G Broadcast trial in Italy.
The Teatro Massimo of Palermo hosted the first of these use cases in which VR360 footage of a ballet performance using Immersive POV technology was realised and broadcast in the Palermo area.
Students of the Convitto Nazionale Falcone boarding school were able to enjoy the show through specific viewing devices.
In July 2022, a consortium comprising of 11 partners led by Rai Way won a tender called by Italy’s Ministry of Economic Development for the 5G Audiovisual Broadcast Broadband Network, obtaining €1 million in funding.
The consortium also includes the City of Turin, Rohde & Schwarz, OpNet, Milan Polytechnic, MainStreaming, Impersive, Kinecar, ReteSette, La Sicilia Multimedia and the Teatro Massimo of Palermo.
The year-long project involves the testing of 5G Broadcast with coverage of areas in the cities of Palermo and Turin and the implementation of innovative use cases.
Rai Way is experimenting with 5G Broadcast technology that implements one-to-all transmission, as for DTT, and SIM-agnostic reception, operating on network infrastructure and frequency resources in the 700 MHz band granted by the Ministry of Economic Development independent of those of mobile operators.
Hybrid broadcasting over 5G Broadcast and broadband networks is made possible by the development of a prototype receiver, based on open source software, shared within the 5G-MAG group.