Advanced Television

Sweden, Colombia link on space activity

June 16, 2023

By Chris Forrester

Sweden’s Space Corp (SSC) and the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology have signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) with the government of Colombia regarding joint space activities. The aim includes the establishment of a Colombia Space Agency.

The agreement aims to strengthen Colombia’s ambitions to develop its national space program, with the help of Swedish research, competence and established space operations infrastructure.

SSC says it will offer its support utilising the vast experience of satellite communication and operations as well as rocket launch activities. This expertise is based on the 50 years of experience from operating the most versatile space base Esrange in Sweden as well as the company’s global network of satellite ground stations. Additionally, the LoI includes utilisation of space data to fight climate change and enable a more sustainable region in South America, where SSC can provide game changing support through the subsidiary GlobalTrust.

The collaboration with KTH also provides an academic exchange in various research disciplines, not least student rocket and balloon campaigns that have long been an important part of the space industry. It also includes increased academic exchange such as exchange of students and professors.

Through the establishment of a national space programme, Colombia aims to develop the country’s capabilities in rocket and satellite missions, satellite ground station development, earth observation and space data analytics for climate research and security, applications in artificial intelligence (AI) and cyber security. The LoI also includes the exchange of experience to support the establishment of a Colombian space agency.

“Cross-national collaborations are crucial for the global space sector to keep up with the growing societal needs for space-related services. With this LoI we enable further collaborations to, for example, combat climate change affecting the Amazon rainforrest and agriculture sector in Colombia, as well as industrial growth and security in the region. Together, SSC and KTH is well-suited to establish a long-lasting collaboration that beneficial for all parties in this joint endeavor,” said Stefan Gustafsson, Head of Strategy at SSC.

“We are very happy with this LoI, an important step for a long-lasting collaboration in important domains. The agreement’s focus efforts are beneficial not only for the signatairies but for the whole region,” added the Colombian Presidential Advisor for Digital Transformation, Saúl Kattan Cohen.

Categories: AI, Articles, Satellite

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