Advanced Television

UK university cracks MicroLED printing challenges

July 16, 2023

Scientists from the UK’s University of Strathclyde say they have made significant progress in solving the challenges over mass production in transferring micrometer-scale semiconductor devices onto various receiving platforms. Moreover, the technique is said to result in unprecedented accuracy.

The university team, led by research team leader Eleni Margariti, says it has developed a roller-based printing process that enables the scalable and highly accurate integration of devices.

The research team say their innovative roller technology can achieve an impressive accuracy of less than 1 micron in matching the designed layout of the devices. The setup is said to be cost-effective and straightforward, making it accessible even in locations with limited resources, according to a report in Optical Materials Express.

The technology has considerable importance for the technology and electronics sectors. This includes silicon-based electronics, transistors, sensors, antennas for flexible and wearable electronics, smart packaging, and radio-frequency identification tags.

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