Advanced Television

3/24 transitions to IP technology with Sony

November 7, 2023

The CCMA group (Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals) and Sony are collaborating with system integrator Unitecnic to provide the news channel 3/24 with the technology and infrastructure necessary for the transition to IP.

CCMA decided a few years ago that its future involved a transformation to IP. To undertake this major project of upgrading its production infrastructure, CCMA decided to start with its 3/24 news channel that broadcasts 24 hours a day. With the objectives of maximizing the performance of its productions, responding to the different changes and needs in live broadcasts, and obtaining maximum flexibility in all broadcasting processes, it began a transformation project that led to the first broadcast of the first programmes on IP this past September.

“A news channel that broadcasts 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, has no room for error. Sony, with its previous experience in similar projects, gave us the necessary confidence to commit to this change,” comments Anna Ochoa, specialist engineer from Channel 3/24. “The VideoIPath software gives us reliability and simplifies operations in an environment in which workflows are very dynamic and therefore allows us to be more flexible and efficient.”

The definitive solution for the transition to IP: VideoIPath

For this project, Nevion, a Sony group company, provided a solution from key building blocks of our Networked Live ecosystem, using the VideoIPath tool as a connection manager and the Sony HDCE-TX30 IP CCU to connect the existing cameras to the IP network.

VideoIPath software media orchestration platform that facilitates day-to-day operations for broadcast operators, improving production workflows and boosting interconnectivity.

“The integration of Sony and Nevion allows the use of the HDCE-TX30, an IP extension adapter for remote live production cameras, which facilitates the coexistence of the two formats (SDI and IP) as well as the integration with previously existing equipment, without the need to change and with significant cost savings,” says Oscar Garcia, Senior Solutions Architect at Nevion.

Technological and operational integration thanks to Unitecnic

The company Unitecnic was the awarded integrator for the project. This Mediapro Group company designed and executed the project, providing the equipment, integrating the parts from the different manufacturers, and developing a training program at a technical and operational level. Challenges that have been solved with a lot of communication and the trust and complicity of all parties.

“The training of all the workers was a fundamental and at the same time complicated process, since we had to train operators and engineers who work in shifts to provide 24-hour broadcast coverage for the channel,” comments Xavier Verd, Director of UNITECNIC Barcelona and CTO.

IP implementation

To facilitate the start-up and implementation of the project, a new studio has been built, identical to the previous one, and a control room from where channel 3/24 has been broadcasting at full capacity with IP technology since October.

The transition to IP of Chanel 3/24 has been a crucial project that enables us to respond to the different changes and needs on a daily basis. Sony and Nevion have been fundamental partners for this transition and together with the joint work of the integrator Unitecnic, we have managed to overcome all the obstacles that a project of this size presents,” explains Anna Ochoa, specialist engineer at Chanel 3/24.


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