Advanced Television

Study: 5.9k+ French titles available on SVoDs

December 13, 2023

From Pascale Paoli-Lebailly in Paris

France has become the most prevalent non-English speaking and production country on SVoD platforms across the world. According to findings from Cinema and TV export body Unifrance, around 5,943 French cinema and TV titles were available up to July 2023 on worldwide platforms, representing 4 per cent of the global SVoD worldwide library outside of France.

The share of French content among foreign titles available in North America is 4.6 per cent, 4.5 per cent in Western Europe and 3.7 per cent in Asia-Pacific.

The study, conducted by Ampere Analysis for Unifrance, covers 53 territories, 114 platforms and takes into account all feature films and TV content, from animation to documentary and live action series.

It also compares the figures with US productions which represent 43 per cent of the SVoD global library, while UK titles are credited of a 7.6 per cent share.

Long-form TV dramas make up 48 per cent of the French offerings, while feature films and TV series account respectively for 34 and 18 per cent.

The country breakdown shows that Spain appears as the territory most open to French titles which represent 6.5 per cent of SVoD libraries. With the exception of Taiwan in seventh, the first 25 countries where French content is well exported are all in Europe.

UK-based streaming service Mubi (24 per cent) is the most prominent to offer French content, followed by other major platforms such as Curiosity Stream (4.6 per cent), Prime Video, Filmin, Netflix and Binge. No global platform (Netflix, Paramount+ etc) surpasses the 4 per cent mark, but other local and regional services do: The Criterion Channel in the US features 17.4 per cent French content for instance.

Categories: Articles, Content, Premium, Research, VOD

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