Advanced Television

Triveni Digital awarded Patent for Secure Television Distribution Over Heterogeneous Networks

April 14, 2024

Triveni Digital has been awarded Patent Number US 11,924,260 by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for pioneering “Secure Television Distribution over Heterogeneous Networks.” Triveni Digital’s invention leverages ATSC 3.0 broadcasts to provide control and metadata to translators at the edge of the network, allowing for centralised metadata management, secure delivery of data streams, and a significant reduction in required bandwidth.

“With the advent of ATSC 3.0 and the corresponding secure transmission technologies, manipulation of the data streams is difficult across statewide distribution networks. Our invention solves this critical issue, using IP to send control information, metadata, and even replacement content in the broadcast for exchange at the target transmitters,” said Mark Corl, senior vice president of emergent technology development at Triveni Digital.

ATSC 3.0 security requirements, including signing of signaling and interactive content, necessitates secure management of private keys, which cannot be guaranteed at an unattended transmitter site. Triveni Digital’s invention enables all metadata to be managed at a central site and distributed without duplicating unnecessary data, reducing the required bandwidth. The invention also enables various streams to be sent through an ATSC 3.0 broadcast without impacting receivers unaware of the data transfer.

“Triveni Digital has a long history of innovation and technical leadership in broadcast technologies, in both the ATSC 1.0 and 3.0 domains,” said Mark Simpson, president and CEO of Triveni Digital. “I’m proud that our team’s innovation continues to solve practical problems that face the industry as we continue the transition to the powerful new ATSC 3.0 broadcast standard.”

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