Advanced Television

Eberhard elected Chair of EBU Technical Committee

June 17, 2024

The 30th EBU Technical Assembly has elected a new Technical Committee and Chair at its annual meeting, which this year was hosted by Italian broadcaster Rai in Naples.

Michael Eberhard, CTO of German EBU member organisation ARD/SWR, was elected Chair of the Technical Committee, taking over from Michael Nugent (ERT), who led the TC from 2022 to 2024. Brian Wynne from Irish public broadcaster RTÉ and Annsofi Eriksson from Swedish Radio were elected first and second Vice Chairs respectively.

The annual Technical Assembly gathers representatives from all EBU Members for an exchange on technical topics of strategic importance to public service media. It reviews the Technical Committee’s and the EBU Technology & Innovation department’s ongoing work, endorses the TC’s Strategic Roadmap, and elects a new Technical Committee every two years.

Members of the new Technical Committee

Michael Eberhard (ARD/SWR, Germany)

Vice Chairs
Brian Wynne (RTE, Ireland)
Annsofi Eriksson (SR, Sweden)

Gino Alberico (Rai, Italy)
Morten Brandstrup (TV 2, Denmark)
Deividas Grabauskas (LRT, Lithuania)
Harald Kräuter (ORF, Austria)
Monica Palomo (RTP, Portugal)
Ivana Prpic (HRT, Croatia)
Robin Ribback (SRG/SWISS TXT, Switzerland)
Victor Sanchez (RTVE, Spain)
Simon Tuff (BBC, UK)
Willem Vermost (VRT, Belgium)

The 13 Member representatives of the Technical Committee (TC) shape the direction of the work carried out by the EBU’s Technology & Innovation department on behalf of the EBU Membership and through the collaborative Strategic Programmes and working groups coordinated by the department. The TC is elected for a two-year term.

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