Advanced Television

Why is the fantasy genre so popular on TV right now?

November 7, 2024

Take a look at any of the big TV channels or streaming services and you’ll see that the fantasy genre is incredibly popular right now. Why is this type of show taking over our screens and what can we look forward to seeing in the future?

A Broad Genre with Almost Infinite Possibilities

It’s hard to define the fantasy genre, as it covers so many different areas from dragons to outer space, magic spells and more. This makes it ideal for TV and other type of media, as it offers huge possibilities for introducing new characters and places. It gives the viewer a chance to escape from daily life to discover exciting new worlds and situations with virtually no limits in place.

Looking at it this way, it’s easy to see why fantasy settings have become widespread on TV and in other types of entertainment like books. Hell Bent by Leight Bardugo won the Fantasy category in the Goodreads Choice Awards 2023, with a story based on secret societies and dark rituals. The fantasy genre can also be light-hearted, as you can see when you play Adventures Beyond Wonderland Live by Playtech. Loosely based on the books by Lewis Carroll, it features a human dealer dressed as one of the characters and a spinning wheel. A variety of weird and wonderful characters are seen in the background and add to the slot’s whimsical feel.

The Effect of the Successes of Recent Years

There’s no doubt that huge movie hits such as The Lords of the Rings series and Dune have helped catapult the fantasy genre into the mainstream. Yet, we also can’t ignore TV successes like Game of Thrones. This show was a massive success on HBO and led to the prequel, House of the Dragon, being launched. Both series have all the hallmarks of a successful fantasy show, with fascinating characters and a unique setting brought to life.

Squid Game quickly became Netflix’s biggest hit when released in 2021. A mixture between a dystopian fantasy and a survival horror show, it showed how these genres could be combined to great effect and opened the door to a new style. The early episodes of the eagerly-awaited Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power received mixed reviews when shown by Prime Video, mainly due to the perceived slow pace. However, it then received enough praise to justify the budget of almost £400 million and encourage streaming providers to invest in more shows of this type.

What Comes Next?

Those recent hits suggest that the fantasy genre is likely to go from strength to strength in the future. Dune: Prophecy will receive its premiere on HBO in mid-November while The Testaments and Bladerunner 2009 are other series in the pipeline. A Court of Thorns and Roses has been optioned by Hulu, but it’s unclear when the adaptation of this book series will reach our screens.

The numerous different approaches that can be taken to bring fantasy stories alive on TV show us that this genre should continue to appeal to a huge audience. By mixing it with other genres and types of entertainment, the creators of these fantasy stories are giving us new ways to enjoy their magical worlds.

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