Advanced Television

YouTube tops 1bn daily TV hours

December 11, 2024

YouTube has revealed new insights about viewing in the living room. Total daily viewing via a TV set has reached 1 billion hours, the Google division said. The scale is consistent with Nielsen’s monthly Gauge report, where YouTube has consistently outranked Netflix and other streamers.

Viewing time of sports content via TV sets rose 30 per cent in 2024 compared with 2023, YouTube said. NFL Sunday Ticket, which began its exclusive run on YouTube in 2023 has given a boost to the overall sports push. The deal for the package also included provisions for the league to engage more fully with YouTube talent, in turn driving more attention to their channels.

As overall living room viewing has grown, the video quality bar has also risen, with the share of videos uploaded in 4K rising 35 per cent over the previous year. Another enticement for living room viewers, a streamlined button allowing viewers to subscribe to channels via their TV has yielded a more than 40 per cent increase in the number of subscriptions initiated via a TV set.

Categories: Articles, Consumer Behaviour, OTT, OTT, Research, UGC

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