LG dumps Blu-ray players
December 12, 2024
By Chris Forrester
LG has joined Samsung in discontinuing manufacturing of Blu-ray optical disk players. Samsung dropped Blu-ray players back in 2018.
Some stocks remain in stores although LG Korea is stressing that while it is discontinuing manufacturing, it would happily return to the Blu-ray market should demand grow.
According to FlatpanelsHD, LG has not launched any new optical disc players since 2018, when it introduced the UBK80 and UBK90 UHD Blu-ray players. This same is true for other major brands such as Panasonic and Sony.
FlatpanelsHD added that sales of Blu-ray players have been declining for years, with UHD Blu-ray player sales peaking in 2017, just one year after the UHD Blu-ray format debuted.