Advanced Television

RTVE to launch Catalonian channel

January 29, 2025

From David Del Valle in Madrid

Spanish public broadcaster RTVE is set to launch a TV channel in Catalonian. The Regional Government of Catalonia has announced that the region will have an RTVE-owned TV channel in Catalonian to improve the TV offer in the region which currently has only TV3, the regional TV station, broadcasting in that language.

The process will start later this year with a complete launch in 2027. It is unknown yet whether it will be a new TV channel in Catalonian or the present RTVE´s La 2 channel that may broadcast fully in Catalonian in the region. Currently, La 2 broadcasts in Spanish with local news programmes dedicated to Catalonia in Spanish.

The president of RTVE, José Pablo López, recently pointed out that the reorganisation of RTVE seeks to reflect “the plurality and multilingualism of Spain” adding that the example to follow is the “BBC Nations model that integrates the broadcasts in England, Scotland and North of Ireland”. In his opinion, “after 40 years without changes, it is necessary to carry out a deep restructuring of the Regional (RTVE) centers in view of a diverse country” like Spain. López is in favour of the fact that RTVE may produce in the different languages spoken in the country.

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