Advanced Television

Sky New Zealand suffering satellite problems

January 29, 2025

New Zealand’s Sky TV uses the Optus D2 satellite for their signal reception. But an update from Sky on January 27th talked of the broadcaster having to urgently “undertake an accelerated migration plan” and shift to a new satellite in May.

Sky said it was aware that “a growing number” of customers had experienced intermittent signal disruption in the weeks following the move by Optus to put the satellite into an inclined orbit to save fuel..

Optus said that the current D2 satellite would reach the end of its commercial life earlier than anticipated, noting: “Optus provided two replacement options and to date Sky has progressed a dual pathway satellite migration plan.”

Sky has now confirmed that several critical milestones have been met on its preferred satellite option. As a result, Sky said it is now focusing its migration activity on the preferred satellite, which will be located in the same orbital slot as D2. The alternative satellite which is in a different orbital slot will remain a contingency option for Sky, further improving security of supply for its customers.

Sky NZ added: “Based on project updates provided by Optus as well as progress on Sky’s own programme milestones, Sky remains confident that it can achieve migration to the new satellite by May 2025, noting there remains inherent technology and logistical risks to the successful migration, some of which are outside Sky’s control.”

Sky NZ’s contract with Optus extends to 2031.

Categories: Blogs, DTH/Satellite, Inside Satellite, Pay TV

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