Netflix to strengthen French movie line-up
January 31, 2025
From Pascale Paoli-Lebailly in Paris

Netflix plans to strengthen its presence and offering in the French film industry, announcing the launch of more than ten pre-acquired movies this year.
“In 2025, we are strengthening our French cinema offering to offer a wide variety of works,” commented Netflix France content VP Pauline Dauvin during a ‘Next on Netflix’ event in Paris.
In 2023, the platform invested €250 million in French creation, cinema and audiovisual combined. Some €50 million was invested in cinema, including 18 pre-purchased films, according to Dauvin, who suggested that in 2025, “French Netflix productions will take on a new dimension”.
Netflix celebrated ten years in France in 2024. Over the period, it has exceeded a hundred French original productions and aims to reach 24 productions per year by 2026.
Dauvin noted the success of the recent launch of Guillaume Canet’s thriller Ad Vitam (pictured) which, she says, “will soon reach 50 million views”.
In 2022, Netflix was the only foreign platform to sign a windowing deal with the film industry, allowing it to broadcast new movies 15 months after the theatrical release. Following the recent agreement by Disney+ with the French film industry – which sets up a windowing at nine months for €115 million invested over three years – Netflix is currently in talks to advance its own window from fifteen to twelve months.