Advanced Television

Ofcom consults on spectrum auction

February 4, 2025

By Colin Mann

UK comms regulator Ofcom has launched a consultation on its proposals to auction the upper block of 1.4 GHz band (1492-1517 MHz) for 4G and 5G mobile use.

1.4 GHz spectrum was internationally harmonised for mobile telecommunications in 2015, and 40 MHz of the band (1452-1492 MHz) is already in use by mobile network operators in the UK.

Ofcom expects that further deployment of the upper block of the 1.4 GHz band will help improve the performance of mobile services, particularly in areas where coverage is patchy, such as some indoor areas and in remote parts of the UK.

By enabling better, more reliable mobile services for consumers and businesses, Ofcom says it can help to boost growth, opportunity and innovation across the UK.

To avoid potential disruption to Inmarsat satellite receivers on board maritime vessels and aircraft, Ofcom is also proposing to limit the power that mobile networks can transmit around certain ports and airports for an initial period, relaxing this limit later on.

To award the 1492-1517 MHz spectrum, Ofcom plans to use a sealed-bid, single round auction format, with a ‘second price’ rule – where winning bidders pay fees based on the second highest price bid.

Ofcom welcomes comments on its proposals by April 25th 2025. It intends to consult separately on its competition assessment for this award once any spectrum trades, which are being considered as part of the merger between H3G and Vodafone, have been completed.



Categories: 5G, Articles, Business, MNO, Mobile, Policy, Regulation, Spectrum

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