Advanced Television


New look, and 6,000 channels for SES

Satellite operator SES used IBC to unveil its new logo, and told press and conference delegates that it was now carrying 5,905 channels and radio networks and that more than 2400 were being transmitted over Europe. SES is claiming the world’s top spot for HDTV channels, with 1,071 now on air around the globe. (although […]

September 9, 2011

Forecast that!

The normally quiet summer has been anything but this year. It has been full of Events. As a British Prime Minister from what we used to call ‘the ruling class’, replied when asked what caused him most trouble when in office: “Events, dear boy, events”. On that basis it has also been a bad summer […]

September 7, 2011

SES links with Russia’s Gazprom

SES has struck up another of its special relationship agreements. This time it is Russia’s Gazprom and its Gazprom Space Systems division. SES now has a “strategic partnership” with the giant Russian company to provide new satellite capacity to serve the fast-growing Russian market.   The deal was announced at the Euroconsult Paris satellite conference. […]

September 7, 2011

Canal Plus challenges for Vivendi

Last week’s Vivendi results were close to the market’s expectations, although there was subsequently some changes to guidance during the post-results analysts’ calls. For example, Vivendi’s Activision-Blizzard games division saw its guidance raised substantially, with the potential of even further progress. Vivendi is a much diversified business, especially in the telecoms sector, and while the […]

September 5, 2011

Google TV “is nothing new”

On Friday evening (Aug 26) Google boss Eric Schmidt delivered the annual MacTaggart lecture at the Edinburgh TV Festival. He confirmed that Google TV would launch in Europe early next year with the UK “among the top priorities”.   One cautionary comment came from Stewart Purvis, a former CEO at ITN and now professor of […]

August 27, 2011

Failed cable clip costs Telesat $200m

Telesat of Canada launched its Telstar 14R/Estrela do Sol 2 satellite on May 21st. While the launch appeared successful one of the satellite’s solar panels failed to open. The craft, built by Space Systems/Loral has been given a very limited life in orbit, and can only handle about half of its planned channels.  The satellite […]

August 26, 2011

Pace suffers from Google news

Pace is the world’s largest supplier of set-top box technology, having taken the top spot from rival Motorola a year or so ago. A story in Investors Chronicle also suggests that Pace’s market share could be threatened by the Google purchase. This past week has seen Pace’s FTSE London-listed share price recover somewhat from 92p […]

August 23, 2011

Googorola; the TV service that sits where it wants?

To misquote the old joke, Question: where does Googorola; the 800lb offspring of the Google buy of Motorola, sit in the media platform ecosystem? Answer: Anywhere it damn well pleases! Funny? Not really. True? Not really, but maybe a bit. Google has swept all before it in search, online advertising and now mobile, with Android […]

August 17, 2011

BBC Radio 1 back on Sirius-XM – sort of!

The BBC’s popular music radio station Radio 1 is again available for Sirius-XM listeners PROVIDED they are close to a computer or streaming service. The station will not be actually available on the Sirius-XM satellite or terrestrial repeater system other than for a few special events through the year. The BBC station rejoins the Sirius-XM […]

August 17, 2011

DirecTV spends $100m/week on own shares

US DBS leader DirecTV is spending $100 million a week buying in its own shares. As at June 30 it had $3.4 billion of authorised cash available to buy back its shares, and according to ratings agency Fitch, it expects DirecTV’s capital allocation strategy will continue to focus on its share repurchase programme while managing […]

August 14, 2011