Advanced Television

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Digital TV for £10

UK supermarket chain Tesco has launched what it claims is the UK’s cheapest digital set-top box with a £10 (E14.7) price tag. Manufactured by Techwood, the digital TV box offers the standard 40 Freeview digital terrestrial TV channels and numerous radio stations.

August 30, 2007

deo PMPs will outsell audio models by 2009

Driven by increased broadband penetration, declining prices, and a growing catalogue of online audio and video content, the market for MP3 players and portable media players (PMPs) will remain strong over the next five years, reports In-Stat . Nevertheless, the main reason consumers are purchasing portable MP3 players and video-capable PMPs today is for the […]

August 29, 2007

STB supply market up

The worldwide market for digital set-top boxes (STBs) experienced continued strong growth in 2006, with smaller Asian manufacturers advancing up the market share ladder, says IMS Research. Traditional STB stalwarts still remain the worldwide leaders, but are facing increased competition from lower tier manufacturers. The digital STB market reached an estimated 122 million units shipped […]

August 29, 2007

PS3 becomes PVR

Sony has unveiled software that will turn the PlayStation 3 into a personal video recorder (PVR) enabling users to record and playback digital terrestrial television through the console. The software, called PlayTV, is a TV tuner that plugs into the PS3 allowing users to pause and record live TV from channels available on digital terrestrial […]

August 27, 2007

DVRs in 20% of homes

DVRs in 20% of homes New consumer research from Leichtman Group found that over one in every five households in the United States now has a DVR up from about one in every thirteen households just two years ago. Other key findings include: The mean household income of DVR owners is 33 per cent above […]

August 27, 2007

BSkyB extends deadline for Amstrad

Sky said its £125 million (E181m) offer would now close on 4 September, after revealing it had received acceptances for almost 86 per cent of Amstrad’s stock. UK competition watchdogs are now scrutinising the deal to see whether competition in the TV technology market will be affected. The two already have close links, with Amstrad […]

August 26, 2007

TiVo: difficult Oz future?

Pay-TV sales company Multi Channel Network has cast doubt on the future of TiVo, which is backed by the Seven Network, telling advertisers the venture may never get off the ground. Rob Leach, head of MCN’s interactive television division and, said TiVo had “bombed” in Britain after proving to be “a difficult product to market” […]

August 22, 2007


EchoStar took the wraps off of its latest high definition DVR hoping to capitalize on the company’s success of its previous digital video recorder model. DISH Network’s new ViP722 HD DVR is the advanced version of the company’s award-winning ViP622 and is designed to complement the satcaster’s growing lineup of high definition programming.Similar to the […]

August 20, 2007