Advanced Television


Broadband improvements show 'Neilsen's Law'

According to a report from the FTTH Council Europe, improvements in broadband connectivity speeds are having a direct impact on consumer bandwidth usage, with demand per broadband home growing at almost 20 per cent per annum over the last 5 years. The research, undertaken with Ventura Team, is believed to be the first of its […]

July 8, 2008

Screen time still grows

The first in a series of new 'three-screen' reports by Nielsen shows an emerging shift toward a more video-centric use of the Internet, but not at the expense of television viewing. The report is an effort by Nielsen to “follow the video” as consumer viewing habits shift. The average American spent 127 hours of time […]

July 7, 2008

IPTV operators need better tools to monitor quality

Telcos that are investing heavily in IPTV infrastructure and services to drive new revenues also need to ensure that tools and technologies are in place to monitor their customers’ quality of experience (QOE) with their video services. However, telcos aren’t sure if today’s IPTV QOE test and measurement tools provide the right level of service […]

July 6, 2008

DVDs and TV still soak up the dollars

A study from Knowledge Networks reveals that while consumers are turning to new video technologies – such as online streaming and mobile video – most of their video-related spending continues to be on conventional sources such as DVD rentals and purchases. New findings from, How People Use the Video Marketplace, also show that Generation Y […]

July 4, 2008

Video no longer an afterthought

From Colin Mann in Salzburg According to Maria-José Montpetit of Motorola's Home and Network Mobility Technology Office, video is now at the centre of a device's design, where it was once an afterthought. “Video is now a first-class citizen,” she told delegates at EuroITV.2008. “Devices are now designed for some kind of video.” Delivering a […]

July 4, 2008

Broadband users spend half their free time online

The Internet has become a big part of the leisure-time activities of US consumers with broadband connections who spend nearly half of their free time each weekday online, according to a survey by Netpop Research. Respondents say they have on average 4.5 hours of free time each weekday and spend 2.2 of those hours on […]

July 4, 2008

30% watch Internet TV

Almost a third of UK people under the age of 25 have watched TV via the internet, according to research from the IPA. The IPA Touchpoints report, which queried 5,400 people, revealed that 29 per cent of people between the ages of 15 and 25 had watched TV online, along with 18 per cent of […]

July 4, 2008

New York cracks down on piracy

New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has declared the state will ramp up its crack down on movie piracy, which estimates costs the state $2.6 billion and thousands of jobs. Cuomhas announced the Piracy Protection Act, which would make movie piracy a misdemeanour, then a felony for a repeat offence, which means potential jail […]

May 8, 2008

Streaming to generate $70bn in 2013

Streaming video and music distributed across the Internet, an IPTV network, or a mobile handset will generate $70 billion in network-derived and content-derived revenue into the US markets over the next six years, according to a study from The Insight Research Corporation. Insight’s market analysis study, “Streaming Media, IPTV, and Broadband Transport: Telecommunications Carriers and […]

March 28, 2008

US next-generation TV habits

ABI research says 66 per cent of respondents to its TV habits survey subscribe to some form of pay-TV service, and of those, 60 per cent receive at least one additional service (telephone, Internet etc.) from their provider. However, only 54 per cent of respondents declared themselves satisfied overall with their providers: pricing and customer […]

March 28, 2008