Advanced Television


TV advertising will survive the rise of VOD

The rise of video-on-demand viewing and online TV catch-up services will not kill the advertising-funded business models of traditional TV broadcasters over the next decade, according to a report by Enders Analysis. The research company said that despite the concern about viewing figures for watching TV via computers, 99 per cent of total viewing of […]

December 22, 2009

UK TV consumption sees biggest rise

The UK showed the biggest increase in TV viewing last year across 11 western countries including France, Germany and the US, with each person watching an average of 3.75 hours a day, according to research published by Ofcom. The UK had the highest average increase in TV watching in 2008, up 3.2 per cent year […]

December 21, 2009

Pay-TV providers missing the middle market for gaming

Premium pay-TV gaming features do not currently maximize the market's revenue potential, according to a report from international research firm Parks Associates Many pay-TV providers, including Comcast, Cablevision, DISH Network, and DirecTV, offer premium packages that include simple, single-player games. The report finds roughly 5 per cent of broadband households in North America and Western […]

December 17, 2009

India fourth largest illegal downloader

India is the fourth largest illegal downloader of online content, according to two reports released by the Motion Picture Distributors Association (MPDA). According to their findings, India trails only the US, Britain and Canada in online copyright infringement. Envisional’s report said online piracy of film and television content in India is mainly through file-sharing networks […]

December 17, 2009

UK lags in broadband speed study

British consumers are lagging behind when it comes to access to the next generation super fast broadband connectivity. Data released by the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has placed the UK at number 21 out of 30 countries in terms of broadband speed. The UK ranking is below Greece, France, Portugal and Spain. […]

December 15, 2009

Info overload: it's 3.6 zettabytes

US households consumed approximately 3.6 zettabytes of information in 2008, according to the “How Much Information? 2009 Report on American Consumers,” released by the University of California, San Diego. One zettabyte is 1,000,000,000 trillion bytes, and total bytes consumed last year were the equivalent of the information in thick paperback novels stacked seven feet high […]

December 14, 2009

Weak economy boosts cheap STBs

Dell'Oro Group has reported that the worldwide Set-top Box market fell 10 per cent sequentially during the third quarter of this year to $2.6 billion. “The global economic recession has resulted in significantly less home construction and fewer residential home moves, causing pay-TV operators to struggle to gain gross subscriber additions,” said Greg Collins, Vice […]

December 11, 2009

PMPs continue to proliferate

Portable electronics device shipments will grow more than 10 per cent in 2009 versus 2008 according to market research firm, In-Stat. The category, which includes digital radio receivers, e-readers, edutainment toys, handheld game consoles, MP3 players, portable media players (PMPs), and personal navigation devices (PNDs), is expanding to over 400 million units in 2009. By […]

December 11, 2009

Record audiences for BBC Digital

This year BBC Three is on target to increase its share of 16-34 year olds to 4.4 per cent (from 4 per cent). Year-on-year growth on BBC Three is 9 per cent, making the channel the most watched amongst 16-34s with 4.8 million watching every week. Overall, reach among 16-34 year olds is up across […]

December 11, 2009

DTV sees strong growth in Hungary

In October 2009, the number of households in Hungary using digital television topped the 1.1 million mark, according to the flash report released by the National Communications Authority (NHH). According to NHH estimates and previous surveys, of the close to 3.8 million Hungarian households approximately 3 million subscribe to some sort of television service. The […]

December 11, 2009