Digital age in its infancy says CEA president
December 19, 2007
The electronics industry faces a bright future, according to Gary Shapiro, president of the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) and secretary of the World Electronics Forum.
“The main trends in the industry include big developments in the areas digitalisation, convergence, broadband, biometrics and nanotechnology,” Shapiro said. “We are only in the infancy of the digital age.”
According to Shapiro, The electronics industry fuels a big change and transformation in fields such as cable and satellite TV and content. “This industry makes the world a smaller place, and its jobs change lives, through teleworking and other practices. The consumption of electronics in the US is around $150 billion. The average American home has 25 electronic devices.”
Shapiro estimated that every country will eventually move to digital TV. “This move is very important, as analogue TV uses a lot of spectrum compared to digital TV, and the move will free up a lot of spectrum, in a way that will contribute to future developments.”