Telmex closer to pay-TV decision?
May 12, 2011
Long-delayed efforts by Mexican fixed line incumbent Telefonos de Mexico (Telmex) to enter the pay-TV sector appear to have moved one step forward after the telco announced that a federal court had ruled that the Secretario de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT) must make a decision on its request to offer such services.
Telmex has previously been prohibited from entering the pay-TV market amid concerns over competition, with Carlos Slim, who controls Telmex via Latin American telecoms giant America Movil (AM), and also owns the country’s largest mobile network operator, Telcel.
According to reports, the state has been given 15 days to issue its decision in the matter. SCT noted: “The ruling is not ordering us to change or eliminate the restriction. It’s ordering us to resolve Telmex’s petition.”