Thailand unveils DTT auction process
August 22, 2013
By Chris Forrester
Thailand will announce the complete terms of its upcoming auction for DTT frequencies on August 27.
An “invitation” tender document will be issued by the government’s Broadcasting agency, and initial expressions of interest (along with a fee of 1 million Thai Bhat, – about $31,000) on an auction document which will be available by September 12th.
All applications must then be made by October 29th, and the names of qualified applicants will be announced within 45 days. The actual auction will take place within a further 30 days, and the declared winner/s announced within a further 15 days. This suggests, if the timetable is maintained, that the successful broadcasters will know their fate by the middle of December.
However, successful broadcasters then have to start digital transmissions within 45 days of being certified.