Ericsson, Polkomtel test LTE Broadcast in Poland
September 1, 2014
Ericsson and Polish telecom operator Polkomtel successfully carried out the first test of LTE Broadcast technology in Poland on August 3th0, streaming the opening game of the 2014 World Volleyball Championship between Poland and Serbia to 300 selected guests and journalists at Warsaw’s National Stadium.
The test group was provided with 300 LTE Broadcast-enabled mobile devices with a pre-configured application to watch live streaming of the game. The whole event lasted for about four hours and the trial was well received by the test group, with a high-quality video and viewing experience.
With video traffic expected to grow by about 60 percent annually until the end of 2018, operators are under increasing pressure to enable their subscribers to enjoy a high-quality video experience anytime, anywhere, while still managing network efficiency and costs.
Ericsson’s LTE Broadcast solution enables new revenue models for premium content and efficiently utilizes LTE spectrum and network resources. Unique content can be delivered simultaneously to a virtually unlimited number of subscribers; for example, multiple video feeds showing different angles, close-ups or replays during live events. This improves consumer experience and increases subscriber loyalty thanks to fast access to content and guaranteed video quality without any buffering.
Valter D’Avino, Head of Ericsson’s Region Western and Central Europe, says: “Ericsson has been at the forefront of developing and implementing this technology around the world, and it has great potential to grow much further with a wide range of use cases: for example, to send updates and content to connected cars, digital signage or billing boards, as well as public safety and emergency broadcast services.”