Box Set Binger’s review site
February 12, 2015
A new review website has launched for the growing audience of ‘Box Set Bingers’. The site will offer a portal for independent reviews of box sets and DVD series and provide a location for debate and discussion on the vast array of entertainment available in ‘on demand’ collections.
The site will review all major box sets available in the UK, with a quick review and a base line score. This will then be referred for discussion, and contributors offered the opportunity to provide their own reviews, comment and then series by series reviews. Up and coming series and live series will also be reviewed at timely interviews, to provide a repository of reviews and opinions.
Mark Carton, site producer commented: ‘Our consumption of television has changed forever. Our opportunity to view on demand has inspired the major broadcasters to deliver into our laps the products that allow us to watch a single programme continuously for hours, or selected viewing over a number of days or weeks. There is currently significant discussion around the health issues caused by the Box Set Binge, but we want to cater for those who enjoy bingeing, and at the end of a programme, feel the need to share their thoughts and review the experience. I have been an armchair critic for years, and the site just offers a simple outlet to share my views, and debate the merits and problems of the huge choice of box sets out there.’