LatAm exceeds 70m broadband accesses
March 7, 2018
Dataxis research findings state that for the third quarter of 2017, Latin America has broken the barrier of 70 million of broadband accesses. Fibre To The Home (FTTH) is the fastest growing option with a rise of 37 per cent since 2016.
This fibre boom can be explained in the context of general growth of the ultra-broadband offers: over 20 Mbps. At Q3 2017, very high-speed accesses totalised 34.6 per cent of the broadband universe.
Although DSL is still the dominant option with 49.7 per cent of the market, it is losing subscribers because of the ascension of the ultra-broadband alternatives. Cable exhibits a steady performance and stand at 38.7 per cent of the total connections. On the other hand, FTTH already reached 11.6 per cent of the total connections.
Furthermore, 51.4 per cent of the market is controlled only two holdings, América Móvil, the main actor with almost 23 million of accesses, followed by Telefónica with 13.1 million.