Spain: €525m boost for 100% optic fibre coverage
March 23, 2018
From David Del Valle in Madrid
The Spanish Administration will invest €525 million over the next four years to extend optic fibre to the entire country with speeds of 300 Mbps.
The cabinet meeting has now approved a first tranche of €150 million for 2018 under the PEBA (Plan de Extensión de la Banda Ancha) plan with the remaining €375 million to be invested between 2019 and 2021 at an average of €125 million a year.
The global plan, called 300 x 100, aims to reach 100 per cent optic fibre overage of the country by 2021. Currently, FTTH networks reach 75 per cent of the population with plans to cover over 95 per cent by 2021. The remaining 5 per cent will have to be covered by satellite.
With this capital injection, the Government hopes to give a definitive boost to the FTTH market in which it invested €100 and €50 million in 2017 and 2016 respectively.