Advanced Television

65” TVs going mainstream?

April 25, 2018

By Chris Forrester

South Korea’s electronics giants, LG and Samsung, are enthusiastic supports of the ‘bigger, and even bigger’ trend in terms of TV screens. Japan’s Sony and Panasonic are also happy with the public’s enthusiasm for ever-larger screen sizes, and China’s production factories are gearing up to tap into this growth in demand.

Over the past seven years, TV screen size has increased an average of 10 inches. A recent report from Samsung Electronics, and which had surveyed screen sizes of TVs sold in Korea, found that the average TV screen size expanded from 44.5 inches in 2010 to 54 inches last year. This means that the average TV screen size increased by more than one inch per year. Only seven years ago, 55-inch TVs were considered “extra large” but now they are average-sized TVs.

And as screen sizes have increased – along with image quality – prices have fallen. In Korea the price of a 55” screen was around 5-6 million Won. Now the same size costs typically 2 million Won.

Samsung Electronics’ sales in South Korea of super-sized TVs of over 75 inches in January this year increased by 1.5 times compared with the delivery and doubled from the same month of last year.

“Last year, Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics accounted for more than half of the market for TVs 75 inches or bigger in the world, by enjoying markets shares of 50 per cent and 10 per cent respectively,” a TV industry official said, and quoted by Business Korea. “But for the time being, TVs made in Korea will display its power even though low-priced Chinese TVs and the revival of Japan’s Sony are threatening factors.”

Categories: Equipment