nexfibre welcomes UK infrastructure assessment
October 19, 2023
By Colin Mann

Next generation fibre network operator nexfibre has noted a call by the UK National Infrastructure Assessment published by the National Infrastructure Commission which repeats the Commission’s call for gigabit broadband coverage across the country by 2030 and makes additional recommendations on a market led approach to rolling out 5G.
“Today’s National Infrastructure Assessment published by the National Infrastructure Commission makes clear the importance of enabling strong digital connectivity across the country,” said a nexfibre spokesperson.
“The NIC calls for more focus to be placed on the industry reaching the government’s target of national gigabit coverage by 2030. Reaching this target is essential: not only for economic growth, but also for reducing disparities in people’s quality of life.”
“At nexfibre, we are committed to building hyper fast full-fibre broadband across the country and connecting people with their local economy, community, and beyond.”
The Second National Infrastructure Assessment – a five yearly review conducted by the National Infrastructure Commission – sets out a programme of transformation for the country’s energy, transport and other key networks over the next 30 years.
Government is expected to respond formally to the Assessment within 12 months.