Advanced Television


Sogecable 3play to boost subscribers

Spain’s Sogecable, is getting into broadband and voice telephony in an attempt to bolster its subscriber base and boost the country’s lagging pay TV sector. From November it will join forces with telco Telefonica to offer triple-play package Trio Plus, which includes its satellite service Digital Plus. By late September, Sogecable also will launch iPlus, […]

September 21, 2007

AOL signs ABC

Walt Disney’s ABC has become the latest major network to strike a deal with AOL allowing its full-length prime-time shows to be available free on the Time Warner-owned portal. ABC shows will be available on AOL effective immediately, a few weeks before NBC Universal and News Corp.’s Fox are expected to launch their jointly owned […]

September 21, 2007

The History Channel on demand in Korea

The History Channel has made its Video on Demand debut in Korea following recently signed agreements with Gretech and Hanaro Telecom. Through the deal with Gretech, The History Channel has a branded service on the Info & Entertainment offering of GOM TV, an advertising supported broadband video player. Hanaro Telecom agreed to debut The History […]

September 21, 2007

UKTV introduce ‘Dave’

UKTV is to launch a channel called “Dave” in place of UKTV G2 and give it a precious Freeview slot. The “Dave” channel, which will launch on October 15, will focus on a young male audience with a mix of comedy and factual entertainment programming. Dave will replace UKTV Bright Ideas on Freeview, while it […]

September 21, 2007

Andorra first switch-off

From David Del Valle in Madrid The Principality of Andorra, a small country located in the eastern Pyrenees mountains and bordered by Spain and France, has just switched off its analogue TV transmissions, becoming the first country in Europe to do so. Its 85,000 inhabitants now watch only watching digital TV with 20 DTT channels […]

September 21, 2007

MTV 'active' network

Viacom’s MTV is to launch a new Internet social network sponsored by foundations operated by the founders of Microsoft and AOL to encourage youth activism. The site,, is designed to be a resource for social and political issues, aiming to inform as well as let users connect with other like-minded people on issues from […]

September 21, 2007

Penthouse TV for US

New Frontier Media, a producer and distributor of general and adult-themed entertainment, has made an exclusive, long-contract with Penthouse Media Group, of one of the world’s leading men’s lifestyle publications, to deliver Penthouse-branded adult television content in the US. Under terms of the deal, New Frontier Media will develop and launch a Penthouse-branded linear TV […]

September 20, 2007

MGM HD on DirecTV

Hollywood film studio MGM is set to launch a new 24/7 network delivering a library of classic and contemporary films on demand in high definition. MGM HD will launch this Autumn on DirecTV. MGM is believed to be the first leading Hollywood studio to launch a standalone HD channel, which it hopes will generate a […]

September 20, 2007

TW may sell dial up

Time Warner will “look hard” in the next 12 to 18 months at possibly selling off its AOL dial-up Internet access business, similar to its strategy in Europe. AOL, which restructured last year to offer most of its services for free, aims to focus exclusively on boosting online advertising sales both on its portal […]

September 20, 2007

CASBAA one-stop portal for TV marketers

Regional advertising agencies and clients have gained access to, a dedicated website for the client and agency community highlighting marketing opportunities to reach customers from the Asia Pacific pay-TV industry. The site, launched by the Cable & Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia (CASBAA), houses industry research along with TV network data, client case studies […]

September 20, 2007