ONO, Tele 5, lead ratings in Spain
December 5, 2007
From David Del Valle in Madrid
Spain’s largest cable company ONO leads the pay-TV audience ratings with an average share of 7.11 per centin November, well ahead of the digital DTH platform Digital Plus, with 3.95 per cent, Telefonica’s Imagenio and other cable operators, with 5.64 per cent, according to TNS Sofres. The most widely watched channel on ONO was CineStar Teuve, ONO’s cinema channel with an accumulated audience of 2.6 million people. Overall, thematic TV made an average share of 11 per cent.
In the commercial TV market, Mediaset-controlled, Tele 5, is the market leader with an average share of 20.5 per centin November, followed by the state-owned channel TVE 1, with 17.2 per cent; Antena 3 TV, with 16.9 per cent; FORTA (Regional TV channels) 14.2 per centCuatro, 7.8 per cent; La Sexta, 4.9 per cent and La 2, 4.5 per cent.
Tele 5 is the most widely TV channel amongst people aged 25-44 and 45-64; Antena 3 amongst 13-24 and TVE1, from 64 years. It is estimated that 2007 will see a TV consumption record with 221 minutes per viewer in front of the TV every day.
The Spanish media group Vocento has put for sale its 13 per cent stakes in the Mediaset-controlled TV channel Tele 5, the market leader in Spain in terms of audience ratings (over 20 per cent of average share) and profits. Vocento plans to get E580 million for the operation. The legal prohibition against holding stakes in two channels with the same coverage has prompted Vocento to pull out of Tele 5, and put now its focus on its DTT channel Net TV, also with a nation wide coverage.