KDG sees revenues rise
June 1, 2009
Kabel Deutschland (KDG) has posted its fiscal results for the year ended 31 March 2009, recording a 14.5 per cent rise in revenue to E1.37 billion.
The German cable operator announced a record increase in EBITDA to E570.7 million, up 24.7 per cent compared with the 2007/08, exceeding the guidance of E565 million. At March 31st KDG's network passed 15.3 million households, 78.5 per cent of which are upgraded for triple-play services. Total RGUs totalled 11.6 million. Telephone and Internet subscriptions saw the biggest year-on-year rise, almost doubling to 1.417 million, of which 707,500 were broadband Internet, 710,300 telephony users.
Subscribers to KDG's 'Abo-TV' digital offering increased by 70,700 to reach 849,200, while analogue TV customers grew by 40,000 year-on-year to 8.14 million, but decreased 16,400 during the fourth quarter. The average number of services taken by a customer increased to 1.27 compared to 1.19 in the previous year.