Swisscom IPTV success
August 14, 2009
Swisscom has doubled the number of subscribers to its Bluewin IPTV service during the year to the end of June for a total of 165,000 customers after adding 26,000 during the second quarter.
The Swiss telco said the simplified installation process introduced last year was proving successful with about 85% of new Bluewin TV customers installing the system without the help of Swisscom technicians. Swisscom also reported 1.8 million broadband access lines at the end of June, up from 1.7 million a year earlier.
The company reported total revenues of CHF3bn (E2bn) for the quarter, down 2.3% year-on-year. Italian telco Fastweb, which Swisscom acquired in 2007, contributed CHF719m.