EchoStar pays up on NDS 2003 legal claim
March 19, 2012
By Chris Forrester
A 10-year old legal claim between EchoStar (and Kudelski) and against NDS has finally been settled. NDS has said that the US Supreme Court ruling made on January 23rd in favour of NDS has seen EchoStar pay $18.95 million in damages, legal costs and interest, over to NDS. The cash was paid over on March 9th.
“This brings an end to this long drawn-out process,” said Dr Abe Peled, NDS’ executive chairman.
The action was commenced in 2003 by EchoStar which alleged that in the 1990s, NDS was responsible for compromising EchoStar’s own pay-TV encryption (developed in conjunction with Kudelski).