DNA Welho to test DVB-C2 technology
September 10, 2012
DNA has commenced field tests of second-generation digital cable transmission technology, in cooperation with Teleste. Future capacity-intensive services will benefit from DVB-C2 significantly, but no decision to deploy the new technology alongside the present DVB-C has been made in the company yet.
The present cable TV transmission technology is based on the European DVB-C standard (Digital Video Broadcasting – Cable). The new DVB-C2 technology allows highly efficient usage of digital cable capacity, and increases the performance of the network in the future, to comply with the new, increasingly bandwidth-intensive services.
Prior to field testing, DNA has conducted DVB-C2 tests in its laboratory. Testing will not affect cable TV transmission in DVB-C or customer devices at home.
‘We have not yet decided to deploy DVB-C2 alongside DVB-C. At this stage, we want to ensure the performance of the technology in different network conditions. If we decide to deploy DVB-C2, the solution will be particularly suitable for capacity intensive services, such as various HD channels and VOD services,’ says Kari Ruopsa, Head of television networks at DNA.