Polsat JimJam dedicated service
July 4, 2013
Polsat JimJam, the children’s channel owned by Chello Zone and the Polsat group, has launched its own feed in Poland. The separate feed shows programming selected for the market, and includes fully localised content and advertising.
The dedicated feed is played out in Poland by Cyfrowy Polsat and is customized for the Polish market with all promos and graphics designed with the Polsat JimJam branding.
Louise Cottrell, VP Affiliate Sales for Chello Zone said: “A dedicated feed of Polsat JimJam gives us freedom to develop the schedule for the local viewers and increase scope for partnerships in the region. We have already launched polish titles such as: Bolek & Lolek, Reksio and Country Mouse, City Mouse (Podróze z Aleksanderem i Emilia) and look forwarding to adding to the Polish portfolio over the coming months.”