RTP seeks two more DTT channels in Portugal
August 23, 2013
From Branislav Pekic in Rome
Portuguese public broadcaster RTP is considering adding two TV channels, currently available only on pay-TV platforms, to its existing DTT offer.
The two channels are RTP Informação and RTP Memória and, according to local reports, the broadcaster has already submitted a request to the Regulatory Authority for the Media (ERC) to add the content. However, RTP would also require an authorisation from the Communications Regulatory Authority (ANACOM) for capacity to be increased on Multiplex A.
RTP’s initiative could be succesful as the Minister for Regional Development, Miguel Poiares Maduro, is studying the possibility of increasing the number of free-to-air channels on DTT, while the ERC is preparing another study on the future of DTT in Portugal.
A previous report from the ERC, issued in April, recommended the creation of one or more additional DTT channels, while a study of the Competition Authority concluded that DTT is “below the possibilities in Portugal.”
In a related development, commercial broadcasters SIC and TVI are
studying the possibility of starting broadcasting in HD, a move which
could reduce the available space on the Multiplex A.